Thursday 31 March 2016

'How are meanings and representations communicated in the two texts?'

A) Text 1

The genre of this text is a website, this website is about the charity action aid and is supporting fairtrade fortnight. This would be recieved by teachers who have either researched into the topic or have been told about it by other teachers who are covering fairtrade in their lessons. This text would be found by teachers who are looking for fairtrade teaching resources, they would want to engage with this text as it is very informative and offers several links to resources which can be easily found via the easily accessible drop down list system. The purpose of this text is to inform and educate as teachers would use this website to provide tools in the form of texts and work sheets for teaching school children. As a teacher the audience would expect a colourful and informative website which has a variety of choices of materials to use within lessons.

The use of the red banner at the top of the page makes the name of the charity 'act!onaid' stand out, informing the reader that this text was provided by the charity. The use of the exclamation mark in the logo for the charity actionaid gives an impression of importance and urgency, this graphology could have been chosen to represent the importance and urgency of the work carried out by actionaid. This text is well laid out which is very useful for teachers who often need to use their time efficiently, the use of the caption under each image is used to show the resource type, this makes for efficient browsing of the website. This text allows the reader to empathise with the farmers that fairtrade are aiming to help, the use of the images in this text allows people to see the type of conditions the people are in and what things supporting fairtrade does to help the workers.

B) Text 2

The genre of this text is an article, this particular article is about fairtrade and the problems with it. This text would be received by readers of the mail online or people who are interested in reading about the topic of fairtrade. The purpose of this text is to inform, it aims to inform people about the way fairtrade works and what flaws the scheme has. The audience may expect that this text is bias as the title seems to be very strongly opinionated against fairtrade.

The summary/strapline at the top of this article summarises the article and is written to intrigue the reader into continuing to read the full article. One point in this particular summary reads 'They found a widespread use of child labour with some workers aged just 10' the intensifying adverb 'just' affects the viewer's experience by making the point an example of emotive language with the age of the workers being exaggerated by the adverb, causing the reader to be impacted emotionally.

C) Comparison

Both texts use verbs, in text one the verb 'helping' is used, this word has positive connotations as it suggests a good deed. In text two the verb 'fails' is used, unlike text one this word has negative
meaning suggesting that something wasn't done correctly or that it had gone wrong. In both texts this is an example of emotive language. Text one shows happy/positive words and phrases which in turn means the audience feels positively towards it. However, text two presents sad/ negative words, ending with the audience feeling negatively towards what was talked about in the text. In text one the emotive language is enhanced by the images which show people working on fairtrade farms, these people are smiling and look happy, pushing the positive emotional impact of this text. Text two on the other hand hand has images of people working hard with little or no expression on their faces, jiving the reader a negative feeling.

Both of the websites hold different purposes. The first websites purpose is to provide a teaching resource that teachers can use to inform children about fair trade. It is a resource which is easily accessible shown by the use drop down boxes to take the reader to different parts of the website. The second websites purpose is to inform, this article informs people about the bad things that happen to do with the charity 'fairtrade'

1 comment:

  1. Comparison: good points. Start with the GRAPE using linguistic analysis to show how the language is suited to it e.g. Because the producer of the website wants to create a positive image of Action Aid and Fair Trade so that people might "donate" or support the organisations with volunteer work or applying for one of their "jobs" (the affordances of the website are that people can easily do this by clicking on the tabs/hyperlinks), they use more positive language to represent fair trade than the Mail article that seeks to sensationalise a report that criticises fair trade approaches in order to create 'clickbait'. They therefore use contrasting verbs early in each text. The dynamic verb "helping"...
