Thursday 10 March 2016

Cambridge Elivate 13.5.1- 13.5.5


analysis of Olympic logo:
5 colours represent the five main inhabited regions of the world, with the interlinked rings representing friendship and connection.

13.5.2 Representations

''the great green con, green zealots, climate enforcers, alarmist climate science, climate McCarthyism'' These all describe believers in climate change in a powerful and negative way. The noun phrases use words like ''alarmist'' and ''enforcers'' which have violent connotations making believers in climate change seem like bullies or aggressive people. The word ''alarmist'' makes the climate seem exaggerated or over played.

''cool Antarctica''
Skua- Another word for thief, after the arctic skua a bird which steals eggs to eat
Weather guesser- Meteorologist, as i9t is a difficult job and weather patterns are hard to understand

Jonathan Freedman refers to other nationalities (European ones) as a cliché. He says it is too easy for people to accept the simple images that these phrases conjure up. ''Brits are portrayed as class-conscious binge-drinkers utterly obsessed with the war. It's a thumbnail sketch, not the whole picture... The European image of the Brit- either pukingly drunk football fan or snooty city gent, both living off of past imperial glories, sullenly resenting being in Europe rather than ruling the world it's self is a cliché. Just as Brits know that every good French man wears a striped shirt and a beret, and that ruddy-faced Germans subsist on a diet of beer and sausage, so we know precisely what all those Europeans think of us''-Guardian. The phrase ''not the whole picture'' implies that reality is far more complicated than the stereotypes.

13.3.3 Hegemony
Hegemony- The control of a powerful group has over another (the dominant group influences opinion about what is being described)
Pejorative terms- A judgemental term that usually implies disapproval or criticism.
Representations can be turned into stereotypes and can be used by powerful groups to manipulate the public into  accepting attitudes and points of view that are convenient for them (Hegemony)

1 comment:

  1. Look more closely at the 'Cool Antarctica' glossary. Why "weather guesser"? Who might be the audience and what are the purposes?
