Friday 2 October 2015

Opinionated blog posts on Climate Change. . .

The 'controversial issue' chosen was climate change
Blogger 1 is a 16 year old female who is a wildlife enthusiast.
Blogger 2 is a 20 year old male who's voice is a stereotype of how 'the youth of today' are viewed by older people.

Blog 1-

Causes of Climate change:

Humans have caused climate change and there is an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence to say so. The 2010 Anderegg study found that 97-98% of publishers that are active in the field of climate research agree that human activity is primarily responsible for climate change. Also a survey that was carried out by German scientists Bray and Von Storch found that 83.5% of climate scientists believe human activity is causing ''most of recent'' global climate change. 
Rising levels of gases produced by humans has created the greenhouse effect which is warming the earth. As sunlight hits the earth, some of the warm this absorbed into the atmosphere such as CO2 Methane and Nitrous Oxide. These gases trap heat and cause the planet to warm through a process called the greenhouse effect. Since 1751 around 337 billion metric tons of CO2 have been released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels.
The rise in atmospheric CO2 over the last century was clearly caused by human activity, as it has occurred at an extremely fast rate much faster than natural climate changes could produce. Over the past 650,000 years, atmospheric CO2 levels did not rise above 300 ppm until the mid 20th century. Levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have risen from about 317 ppm in 1958 to 400 ppm in 2013.
As the most self aware and knowledgeable organisms on this planet we must act now if we are ever going to save our precious planet. There is so much you can do to save this world we live in, from small tasks such as recycling and using a bus rather than driving or even walking or cycling if possible, turning off lights and switches when they are not being used, trim your waste by making a compost and using brown food bins to larger parts we can play by reducing our carbon footprint by flying less, switching to energy efficient cars using electric power rather than fuel, getting involved with local projects to raise awareness and speaking to local representatives about changes we can make in the community. Lots of people plus frequent small actions equals a big change and this could make a fantastic difference to our planet in a major way.

Blog 2-

Why climate change is made  up:

I'm fed up of climate change being blamed on us for no reason. 
The rise in the temperature of the earth has been within the -/+5 °f range of the past 3,000 ish years meaning it's not a crazy change, so why be bothered? Plus big levels of carbon dioxide don't mean warming, shown by the earth's climate around 450 million years ago which was a time of glaciation not warming with carbon levels 5 times higher than now. Global cooling and warming is caused by change in the heat of the sun, not by people. Sea levels have been slowly getting higher for thousands of years and this rise has nothing to do with humans. I fink 'global warming' is a lie to get people to stop driving and littering so much.

Bibliography -

1 comment:

  1. Good differentiation of the two voices - I like that they are similar ages and yet speak differently. To improve, work on character more - your wildlife enthusiast needs to be more enthusiastic so that she can be persuasive - who is she aiming to convince and which techniques could she use to get her message across. This will give you more to write in your commentary. Blogger two seems to have done his homework - if he is not interested, he probably wouldn't do that but if he is trolling her, he might have looked things up to counter her arguments with. Think a bit more about why he is writing and let that influence how he expresses himself.
